Thursday, June 11, 2015

Low Batteries

Everyday I leave my seminar absolutely amazed at all the new tools that really are transformative to the educational process.  I also thank my lucky stars that I'm in a new position that nobody has said "you can't do that!" in regards to technology.

But last night was a low battery night all around.   My new Chromebook was at 7% battery life.  My Mac was at 5%. So I plugged them in, settled down with my iPad, with 30% power, on the couch to watch some videos and read the articles for Thursday.

Read a good one by Brian Bennett on flipping the classroom that kind of gave me. Bit of a reality check for what I want to do.  I tweeted that article.  Then I saw there was a video with Salman Khan.  I'm a HUGE fan of him and what he is doing for education,  though some of my students tend to shrug a bit over his Econ videos, favoring ACDC Econ,  Mr. Green and Jodie Econ Girl.

So, there I am, comfy on my couch, a cat nestled in with me, husband reading on his device and I started the Khan video, a good TED Talk about the process of how Khan Academy came about.  I was engaged in the video, wondering that these days we think that demand is derived, but here was a clear lesson on consumer demand being driven by the Invisible Hand.  .....

Next thing I knew my husband was waking me up and asked me two questions from the video.  I failed.   My own batteries crashed.   GEEZ!

So, I'm up early to get caught up.

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